Gonna give this a try. What is everyone's opinion on this compound?
I enjoy the ethyl variant at functional doses 3mg-5mg but it seems like the metabolites last clear into the next day even after waking up from a sleep, i can assume the same for the methyl variation.
Are you referring to 4F-EPH? I was considering picking up some of this, but pretty much every report I could find described it as ranging from mediocre to crap. Could you describe the effects it has for you?
light functional stimulation but the highest dose i have taken is 5mg, the reason i like it is it is one of the first stimulants i can take without feeling no anxiety and continue my day. I smoke heavy amounts of marijuana daily so it seems to completely rid the burn out through my whole entire day while staying functional and no anxiety.
I would like to try a higher dose but my recreational stims have been a NEP/hexen combination with drinks or what not as the only time i use stimulants recreationally is after drinking. I have only insufflated this compound so far. Seems to be a less pushy 4f-mph to break it down better but it may not have no recreational potential. My favorite phenidates have been 4metmp/ethylphenidate and hdmp-28 was the most unique of the bunch.
4f-mph i have minimal experience with but seems to be incredibly potent and long lasting like 4f-eph and more "in your face" stimulation which is ideal for getting stuff done while 4f-eph might be better for promoting wakefulness while being able to relax and stay in one place without having the urge to do things or move, subtle but noticable stimulation, less backround negative side effects like most phenidates have which i think would be desirable to some.
Interesting, thanks for the description.
I agree with you on 4F-MPH being fairly "in your face" with stimulation and anxiety. A more subtle varient sounds pretty attractive. I dislike most phenidates (IPPH and MPH were garbage ime) but I'll have to pick this one up and give it a try.
4F-MPH is a pretty good productive stim (right below 2-FMA) but ime has zero recreational value.
The stimulation has a very different feel from amphetamines. There's no euphoria, just a sort of low-grade background anxiety and tension. It's more akin to the productivity acquired from last minute panic than from being deeply immersed in enjoyable work.
Physically it's not too bad, primarily muscle tension and a bit of sweating. Vasoconstriction begins to show up with repeated doses. Start low, 4F-MPH is pretty potent, even 5mg too much can cause the tension, both mental and physical, to increase to uncomfortable levels.
It's more akin to the productivity acquired from last minute panic than from being deeply immersed in enjoyable work.
This is the best description I’ve heard of 4F-MPH. I will say I get a bit of euphoria from a 15mg dose for the first 45 minutes or so. After that it’s exactly as you described.
Stay low with this compound. It is recreational in my experience at higher doses. Get a feel for it when you don’t have any commitments the following day.
Isopropylphenidate is preferable IMO for functional use, and there are many other more preferable stims for recreational use.
I'm looking more for functional use. I've only done coke once ever and it was underwhelming but I got things done on it for sure. so if it's more stimulating than that that would be my perfect zone.
I absolutely love 4f-mph. For me orally it was just pure focus and productivity, not recreational. But insufflated it has some very nice euphoria too it, especially dosing higher, but it was still extremely productive and functional
I have used this several times for writing and reading. In my experience, less is more with this one. Resist the urge to redose, imho it is not really worth it. I get perfect concentration and focus with 5-7.5mg for seversl hours, if going above this dosage the functional value dininishes and I get distracted (have fun getting lost in Wikipedia, for example). Haven't try this one recreationally as I don't think I'd have more fun with it than with other (well known and thus safer) substances. The comedown is hard on me, I plan to meet friends and go out once the effects wear off, otherwise I get anxious and feel lonely if I stay alone at home. Also, make sure to dose the latest by noon if you don't want to disturb your sleep patterns. The wakefulness lasts for me around 12hrs. I found it useful for getting stuff done when under pressure with a deadline, but it's definitely not my favourite stim. It somehow feels "dirty" to me.
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