Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Why Is Feeding Before a Ride Beneficial?


Horseback riding is a fun and exhilarating experience. However, before you jump on a horse and go for a ride, you should always feed them. Here’s a look at why feeding your horse before a ride can be beneficial.

The Benefits of feeding a horse before a ride

  • It provides energy and sustenance, which can help to prevent fatigue.
  • It also helps to build a bond between the horse and rider.
  • And most important, it helps in preventing acid burns and ulcers and other digestive issues.

The Digestive Process

The stomach of a horse has a glandular and non-glandular portion. Acid sits on the glandular portion of the stomach which is below the non-glandular section. These acids splash up when a horse moves with an empty stomach.

The Risks associated with not feeding a horse before a ride

  • The splashing of stomach acid up can cause burns and ulcers in the non-glandular portion of the stomach
  • Horses can become weak and tired.

Tips for pre-ride feeding

  • Feed your horse with forage before you ride. It can help to create an acid cap in their stomach that helps prevent the splashing of stomach acid up into the non-glandular portion of the stomach.
  • Provide them with quality fiber. Fiber can aid in the prevention of ulcers.

How much forage should you feed a horse before riding?

  • 2 kgs – 2 hours without forage
  • 1-2 kgs – Half an hour to 2 hours without forage
  • 250-500g – whilst being tacked up

Remember, every horse is different and some may need more or less hay than others. It’s important to get to know your horse and their individual nutritional needs.


Feeding a horse before a ride can provide many benefits that make the experience more enjoyable for both horse and rider.

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