Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Bovine Ox Cattle Cow Gallstones


Cattle gallstones are used in alternative medicine to treat hepatitis and other liver and gall bladder-related ailments.

They form in a variety of shapes and sizes, however their value is determined by color, texture, size and dryness.

Storage Condition: Cold storage

Standard: CP; BP; USP; EP

Product Name                                      Top quality bovine ox gallstones/cattle gallstones
DescriptionAfter extracting the gallstones from the cattle’s intestines there are washed thoroughly with cold water to remove blood clots, impurities etc. After washing they are dried for two to three weeks in a dark and well ventilated environment at a temperature of approx. 20 degrees Celsius. The stones have to be moved regularly for better drying and to avoid them sticking at each other. After full drying the stones are packed in hermetically sealed bags.
SpecificationOx Gallstones Cattle Gallstones Cow Gallstones100% whole stones
90% whole stones / 10% broken
80% whole stones / 20% broken
100 % Broken and 100 % Powder
Quality Quality and classification
Highest demand is for stones with the following features:
yellow golden orange colour;
stones with low specific weight;
large stones;
bili rubin content not less than 35%;
There is a demand for dark stones as well, but prices are considerably lower however.

MINIMUM ORDER: 1 KG ( $18500 USD )



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Gallstones in Medicine

Ox or Cow gallstones is mostly used in traditional Chinese medicine to

  • Clear the heart
  • Rejuvenate one’s spirit
  • Remove Phlegm
  • Delerium
  • Coma
  • Clear the live and remove toxicity
  • Stop tremors and convulsions

you may wonder just what an ox gallstone can be used for today in the new world of high-tech medicine. Traditions are hard to be rid of, and so, gallstones are still used–and sworn by–to treat some of the following conditions.

The bezoar reportedly clears the heart, rejuvenates one’s spirit, removes phlegm, delirium, or a coma. It also clears the liver and removes toxicity and puts a stop to tremors and convulsions.

It is said to heal a red and swollen throat and cure boils, sores or carbuncles as well.

In children, it is especially used to treat convulsions in addition to wheezing, vomiting, diarrhea, mucus, fever, unconsciousness, seizures or epilepsy, meningitis, measles, and gastroenteritis.

The bezoar is usually taken in pill form and is not recommended for women who are pregnant.

When mixed with water buffalo horn or rhinoceros horn, the treatment is said to cure encephalitis, meningitis, and even Legionnaire’s condition.

When it is put together with musk, frankincense, and myrrh, it is said to treat breast cancer, buboes, subcutaneous nodules, abscesses, scrofula and malignant sores. 

MINIMUM ORDER: 1 KG ( $18500 USD )



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Wednesday, February 10, 2021


 Gonna give this a try. What is everyone's opinion on this compound?

I enjoy the ethyl variant at functional doses 3mg-5mg but it seems like the metabolites last clear into the next day even after waking up from a sleep, i can assume the same for the methyl variation.

Are you referring to 4F-EPH? I was considering picking up some of this, but pretty much every report I could find described it as ranging from mediocre to crap. Could you describe the effects it has for you?

light functional stimulation but the highest dose i have taken is 5mg, the reason i like it is it is one of the first stimulants i can take without feeling no anxiety and continue my day. I smoke heavy amounts of marijuana daily so it seems to completely rid the burn out through my whole entire day while staying functional and no anxiety.

I would like to try a higher dose but my recreational stims have been a NEP/hexen combination with drinks or what not as the only time i use stimulants recreationally is after drinking. I have only insufflated this compound so far. Seems to be a less pushy 4f-mph to break it down better but it may not have no recreational potential. My favorite phenidates have been 4metmp/ethylphenidate and hdmp-28 was the most unique of the bunch.

4f-mph i have minimal experience with but seems to be incredibly potent and long lasting like 4f-eph and more "in your face" stimulation which is ideal for getting stuff done while 4f-eph might be better for promoting wakefulness while being able to relax and stay in one place without having the urge to do things or move, subtle but noticable stimulation, less backround negative side effects like most phenidates have which i think would be desirable to some.

Interesting, thanks for the description.

I agree with you on 4F-MPH being fairly "in your face" with stimulation and anxiety. A more subtle varient sounds pretty attractive. I dislike most phenidates (IPPH and MPH were garbage ime) but I'll have to pick this one up and give it a try.

4F-MPH is a pretty good productive stim (right below 2-FMA) but ime has zero recreational value.

The stimulation has a very different feel from amphetamines. There's no euphoria, just a sort of low-grade background anxiety and tension. It's more akin to the productivity acquired from last minute panic than from being deeply immersed in enjoyable work.

Physically it's not too bad, primarily muscle tension and a bit of sweating. Vasoconstriction begins to show up with repeated doses. Start low, 4F-MPH is pretty potent, even 5mg too much can cause the tension, both mental and physical, to increase to uncomfortable levels.

It's more akin to the productivity acquired from last minute panic than from being deeply immersed in enjoyable work.

This is the best description Ive heard of 4F-MPH. I will say I get a bit of euphoria from a 15mg dose for the first 45 minutes or so. After that its exactly as you described.

Stay low with this compound. It is recreational in my experience at higher doses. Get a feel for it when you dont have any commitments the following day.

Isopropylphenidate is preferable IMO for functional use, and there are many other more preferable stims for recreational use.

I'm looking more for functional use. I've only done coke once ever and it was underwhelming but I got things done on it for sure. so if it's more stimulating than that that would be my perfect zone.

I absolutely love 4f-mph. For me orally it was just pure focus and productivity, not recreational. But insufflated it has some very nice euphoria too it, especially dosing higher, but it was still extremely productive and functional

I have used this several times for writing and reading. In my experience, less is more with this one. Resist the urge to redose, imho it is not really worth it. I get perfect concentration and focus with 5-7.5mg for seversl hours, if going above this dosage the functional value dininishes and I get distracted (have fun getting lost in Wikipedia, for example). Haven't try this one recreationally as I don't think I'd have more fun with it than with other (well known and thus safer) substances. The comedown is hard on me, I plan to meet friends and go out once the effects wear off, otherwise I get anxious and feel lonely if I stay alone at home. Also, make sure to dose the latest by noon if you don't want to disturb your sleep patterns. The wakefulness lasts for me around 12hrs. I found it useful for getting stuff done when under pressure with a deadline, but it's definitely not my favourite stim. It somehow feels "dirty" to me.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Camel racing on Friday morning



                For more details do get to us      

          Whatsapp : +1(415)237-3209           Email: miradukes6@gmail.com

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  • Speed 10 ml – Stimulant – 10 ml
  • Dexaprime 0,3% – Dexamethasone Phospate 0,03 mg/ml – 10 ml
  • Hidroclorothiazide – Powerful Diuretic – 10 ml
  • Diurezone Dexa Power – Diuretic + Antiinflammatory + Power (2% dexa)
  • Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate – Dexamethasone 4 mg/ml -10 ml
  • Carva 10
  • Cami-Co – Hydrocortisone
  • Zoledron – For the bones. Bifosfonate – 10 ml
  • Zoledron – For the bones. Bifosfonate – 20 ml
  • Zero-Uri Muscle Plus – ATP + Bicabonate + UTP + L-Arginine – 30 ml
  • Taylormade – ITTP – Performance Maximizer – 10 ml
  • Taylormade – AOD 9604 – Advanced Regenerative Peptide – 50 ml
  • CEVA – Tildren – bisphosphonate to treat dark circles caused by bone disorders – 10 ml
  • Brinco Increases oxygen in blood. Tiotropium – 15 ml
  • Equipharm – Sinaxis – Neurolitic – Pain Reliever – Analgesic – 50 ml
  • Osphos – Biophosponate – 15 ml
  • Pfizer – Fluvet flumetazona – 50 ml
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  • Green Speed –Neuromuscular Stiumulant – 90 ml
  • Richmond – Nalbufine 10 – Narcotic Analgesic – 20 ml
  • Strong Liver Plus – Hepatoptotector
  • Pzier – Flucortan – Flumethazone – 10 ml
  • Asta Xanthin – 100 ml – Milkshake – Stimulant
  • Predef 2X – 100 ml – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever
  • Prendikel 2.5 – 50 ml – Prednisolone – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever
  • Prendikel 2.5 – 100 ml – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever
  • Dexarace Plus – 30 ml – Dexamethasone – ATP – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever
  • Dexamet Plus – 30 ml – Dexamethasone – ATP – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever
  • Diuridexa – 30ml – Dexamethasone – Furosemide – Diuretic – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever
  • Dexamet Low – 30ml – Low Dexamethasone 21 Phosphate – ATP – Vitamins
  • Jolly Roger 144x – 50 ml – Stimulant – Oxigen enhancer
  • Jolly Roger PainX – 50 ml – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever
  • Kinogen SE – 50 ml – Energy and power
  • Magnum – 2 ml – Tranquilizer for horses and camels
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  • Burn Horse – Durvet – 20 ml – Stimulant with Antiinflammatory
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  • Cortivet Depot – 5 ml – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever with corticoidsteroids
  • Cortivet Shock – 10 ml – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever
  • Corthametasone – Vetoquinol – 50 ml – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever with coticoidsteroids
  • Depo-Medrol – Zoetis – 20 ml – EPO – Eritropoyetina
  • Dexa 0,2 – Phoenix – 50 ml – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever
  • Dexa 5 – 15 ml – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever
  • Dexacortyl – Coophavet – 100 ml – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever with corticoidsetroids
  • Dexamam – Calier – 30 ml – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever
  • Dexaphenylarthrite – Vetoquinol – 100 ml – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever
  • G.H – Black horse – 5 ml – Growth hormone
  • Endofer – Fatro
  • Equi- Shot – 10 ml – Pre race stimulant
  • Flogidem – 10 ml – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever with diuretics
  • GBX XXX – 50 ml – Endurance – Vitamins – Stimulant
  • Genabil – Boehringer – 100 ml
  • Gastrotek – 30 ml – Gastrik protector
  • GF 25% – 100 ml
  • Horlex – 15 ml
  • Inadrim – Richmond – 50 ml – Antiinflammatory – Pain Reliever
  • Iron Kidney – 50 ml – Kidney protector

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Camel Racing Australia


Australian Camels

You DID read that correctly.

 We're here to tell you about Australia's feral camels.
Bella                         Roxy                         Daisy
 Back in the 1800s, camels were imported into Australia from Arabia, India and Afghanistan to help explore the vast Australian Outback; and later, take supplies to people who lived there.
Most of the camels are dromedaries (one hump).

 But there were a few Bactrian.  (two humps)
 When motor vehicles and trains came on the scene, the camels--about a thousand or so--were released into the wild.
They flourished and the current population is around the million mark and cause major problems for land owners.
(However, we're not going to discuss that here.) 
In 1970, two mates in a pub--this seems to be a pattern here in Oz--made a bet as to whose camel would win a race.
And since then, there is an annual Camel Race in Alice Springs--in the red centre of the continent.
Tomorrow, July 13th will be the annual Lasseter's Cup Camel Race.
It's a fundraiser for the town and there are lots of family events, besides the camel races.
 Racing camels are brought from all over and though this start looks fairly organised, no one knows exactly what the camels will do!

                                                          GET IN TOUCH
                                                 Whatsapp : +1(415)237-3209
                                             Email: miradukes6@gmail.com

Some refuse to move, some run and stop, some turn around...
But that's part of the fun!
Maybe one of these years we'll go.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Horse Camel Racing Club

  Kuwait Camel Racing Club Detial

Camel racing in the desert gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “jockeying for position” – because there aren’t any jockeys. Well, not human ones anyway.
Yes, in the 21st Century world of the dromedary derby in Qatar the ships of the desert have robot riders.
Trust me, the sight of a thundering herd of camels with 1ft high “jockeys”
on their humps is quite extraordinary.
And then it gets even weirder. For the mechanical versions of Tony McCoy are controlled by trainers being driven in 4x4s alongside the five-mile track just outside the Gulf nation’s capital Doha,
barking orders on walkie talkies and pressing the “whip” button every so often

Kuwait Camel Racing Club
Kuwait Camel Racing Club
Kuwait Camel Racing Club

Whatsapp text +1(415)237-3209 Email:miradukes6@gmail.com for more details.

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Kuwait Camel Racing Club

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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Fludex RPM For Camel And Horse Racing


       Fludex RPM For Camel And Horse Racing

Fludex RPM
 due to the association of two corticosteroids, covers a widest spectrum of inflammatory states. Its biphasic action (immediate and delayed) ensures the speed and persistence of its activity.

Indications: Inflammatory processes of any etiology and location, especially those of collagen. Allergic states. Eczema. Rheumatic diseases. Joint, acute and chronic pain.

Target species: sport and working horses and camels.


Flumethasone …………………………. 0,25 mg

Dexamethasone 21 Phosphate …………. 2 mg

Ascorbic Acid ……………………………. 0,1 mg

Excipients q.s. ……………………………… 1 ml


Horses: 2 to 5 ml per day or day by means or as indicated by the Veterinary Doctor. Intramuscularly.

If used in competition, suggested dose is 5-8 ml 10 days before the competition.

Camels: 1 to 3 ml per day or day by means or as indicated by the Veterinary Doctor. Intramuscularly.

If used in competition, suggested dose is 3-5 ml 10 days before the competition.

Precautions: It is recommended in prolonged treatments not to cut it abruptly due to the risk of depression of the adrenal glands.
Do not administer to animals in their third trimester of pregnancy since dexamethasone could induce unwanted preterm labor.
Mares are more resistant to this effect, since at least 100 mg doses of IM dexamethasone are required for three consecutive days to achieve this, since this drug does not cross the placental barrier in this species.


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Camel Horse Racing With Cami - Cortyl 50ml



             CAMI-CORTYL – 50 ML Hydrocortisone is a corticosteroid-type hormone used to suppress or inhibit the immune system in horses in the treatment of allergies and other conditions.

Hydrocortisone  is used as an anti-inflammatory drug in treating horses. Because the drug is able to enter the cell and alter functions associated with the inflammatory response, also is used to reduce swelling, inflammation, and to inhibit the immune response.


Horses: 5 ml every day for 5 or 6 days and stop 4 days before the race – IM / IV

Camels: 3 ml every day for 5 or 6 days and stop 4 days before the race – IM / IV

Consult a professional veterinarian before using Cami-cortyl

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